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₦7,000 Excluding Tax: ₦7,000

Urocalm helps to control urinary tract infections.

Urinary tract infections are frequent ailments that should nevertheless be taken se-riously and treated adequately. They are caused by the colonization of the urinary tract by bacteria that cause inflammation accompanied by typical discomforts such as painful, frequent and difficult  urination.

Doppelherz® aktiv Urocalm combines the properties of cranberry and dandelion for a more efficient fight against recurrent urinary tract infections.

The therapeutic potential of Cranberry has long been known from the first inhabitants of North America where this plant originates from. It is naturally rich in vitamin C and in flavonoids that act against urinary infections. By preventing bacteria from sticking on the inner walls of the bladder and of the urethra, cranberry flavonoids promote their  elimination with urine flow.

Dandelion is well-known for its depurative and diuretic properties. It increases urine flow and helps to flush pathogenic bacteria out of the urinary tract. More generally dandelion is considered useful in the elimination of toxic metabolites.

  • It helps maintain a healthy urinary tract
  • It helps to flush out bacteria
  • For the treatment of bladder infection
  • It contains 50mg dandelion extract to stimulate diuresis
  • 400mg cranberry extract rich in proanthocyanidins


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